One of main problems marketers face when selling a product or service is that the marketing industry is obsessed with “what’s new”. What is the cutting edge marketing technique for 2011?
This fast-paced, wall-street style, high-tech “online alchemy” absorbed by the collective marketer audience of beginners & wannabe millionaires to discover his or her “secret” is the supposed holy grail of online marketing.
As marketers lineup for Facebook Ads, Twitter audiences, iPhone Apps (or the latest social media crze) putting tried and true marketing methods on the shelf. Online marketers that actual peddle information are making money from the clueless hordes over and over again while leaving the real effective techniques by the wayside.
Now more than ever, the fact is that those that understand the fundamentals of online marketing, keyword research and actually working the lead generation program across a multitude of platforms without all of their marketing eggs in one basket are getting the best results.
People have a subliminal aversion to SIMPLE TRUTH. They either want to justify their lack of results with an acceptable excuse (“I don’t have the latest gizmo method…”), or they want to believe it’s more complicated than it really is – so that they can “secretly” never complete anything lest they potentially face failure.
According to a leading online marketer:
"People secretly want the thrill of the hunt over and above the spoils of the catch. For the majority of people in this industry, the thrill of discovery and embarking on a journey (with some “new” method) is infinitely MORE enticing than putting on some proverbial overalls and hammering out some results with really basic methods – methods that have always worked and always will.
The Market Serves Demand. And our market contains an audience with an aversion to simplicity and an insatiable desire for the “new” and the “exciting”. That’s what gets ordered. So therefore – that’s what’s on the menu. Therefore…
The PRIMARY News Topics, Discussions and Points of Interest in our Industry Always Focus on “What’s New” and “What’s Hot”. It’s just like the regular media. People don’t buy “fluff” headlines – regardless of the reality. And even though most North Americans have a better chance of getting struck by lightning whilst being attacked by Shark than they do compared to being the victim of “terrorism” – the news must deliver what is interesting. What’s… “new”.
And so the cycle continues. Indefinitely."
The key to successful marketing is to understand what people want and then serving it up in a way that they can consume the information they need along with a powerful call to action.
Here is to a great 2011 and thriving business!
Web Design Toronto, Oakville, Burlington Ontario Canada. Online marketing, SEO and online lead generation for local businesses.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Ontario Business Marketing for 2011

Happy New Year to Ontarians in Canada!
Have had some questions over the holidays about the best way to position small and
medium sized businesses in Ontario, Canada for the New Year, so here are some tips.
The internet is made up of billions of files, so the first order of business is creating user friendly, informative content that the Google Gods may smile upon.
Now in theory, that is all you would have to do in a perfect world and omnipotent Google will find your needle in the proverbial haystack and serve it up to potential clients.
The problem is that it is not a perfect world, your clients are not only on Google but on social media, web 2.0 properties, online directories, news sites, blogs, video sharing sites, podcast sites and on mobile devices, ipads, laptops and more.
So where do you engage your potential customers? Everywhere they are! That sounds like a monumental undertaking, and that is why there are quality online marketing services such as Webmad Internet Marketing and Design of Oakville, Ontario to help focus your business' online presence. Give your company the gift of "Online Presents" in the New Year 2011 by reaching out to more customers and clients.
The Yellow Pages have been dead for years now. Most people in Canada under the age of 25 have never even opened a phone book. The phone book is now what many will find in the Spring under a snowdrift in a corner by the front door once the snow melts. In fact many directories are no longer being distributed at all.
You can either spray and pray by throwing thousands of marketing dollars at newspaper, radio and magazine ads, or you can have the internet working to promote your business 24/7.
The most important distinction I have raised over the holidays with colleagues and friends, is that many businesses feel they have to have a website because everyone else does. They still treat their website as an online catalog or brochure instead of a living and breathing lead generation tool to help grow their business. Those few that realize the difference and do something about it will rise to the top to the detriment of their competitors who are still locked into 3 year ago thinking (which is eons in the lifepan of the internet).
Keep in mind that even the second largest search engine in the world: Youtube, was only born 5 years ago and even more recently acquired by Google.
So here is to a successful and prosperous 2011!
Webmad Internet Marketing and Design
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